Meet Jake: Thriving in our After School Program!
Jake is incredibly kind, empathetic, outgoing, and very funny. Friendly to all, he loves animals, especially his own dogs, and making new friends! Halloween season is Jake’s favorite time of the year and he really enjoys watching horror movies. When Jake’s not at Mychal’s, you can find him trying new foods (although, milkshakes are his favorite), playing video games, watching Youtube videos on his iPad, playing baseball, soccer, and going to school.
Joining Mychal’s After School Program
Jake joined Mychal’s After School Program in Hawthorne just over a year ago at the beginning of April in 2022. Since then, he has gained a group of friends and instructors that he truly loves. Jake has learned many skills that translate towards everyday life and in turn has lead towards him gaining more confidence and independence. Hawthorne After School Supervisor, Juli says, “I am so proud of Jake for hitting his one-year mark at Mychal’s After School Program! In this past year, we have seen Jake take on new challenges such as training at the Print Shop, exploring new art skills, and building confidence through theater. Jake’s empathetic heart is something we need more of in this world. He always checks in with the staff about how their day is going and cares for all of his friends at Mychal’s. As Jake navigates through high school, I hope that Mychal’s continues to be a safe space for him.”
Shooting for the Stars
Now that After School students are experiencing vocational training at Mychal’s Prints, Jake has participated and found an interest in the tasks he’s doing there. He’s also looking forward to participating at the bakery and learning more skills in the kitchen. When asking Jake what he sees himself being in the future, he responds ” a WWE wrestler or a police officer.” We know Jake is bound to continue doing amazing thing and we are so proud of all his accomplishments – keep shooting for the stars!